Thursday, February 14, 2013

Death of the Family Conclusion

Some spoilers for Death of the Family. You have been forewarned.

And so, finally, Death of the Family concludes, in Batman 17. I haven't been reading Batman in the new 52 DC, but I had to get this, and I must admit, it was quite good. Creepy, but good. The sick game Joker has been playing with Batman is almost lyrical and Bruce comes through as the strong hero he is. He might be flawed and broken inside, himself, but he's not the damaged, psychotic counterpart to Joker as the Joker believes. Joker needs Batman, but Batman doesn't need Joker.

I was also gratified to discover my fears as to what was being served -- bits of Alfred on each of the platters -- were wrong. As to what was revealed, I wasn't worried because I didn't think DC would allow that, unless a lot of plastic surgery was in everyone's future. Plus, the masks were on those "faces," which likely meant Joker hadn't actually unmasked them. And that was interesting, too, when Bruce realized that Joker didn't care who he and the others were. A nice point, but it also meant that Joker missed on one more point of torture. He already had everyone wondering if he knew who they really were. Knowing that he knew, that he'd seen their faces, would have been awful, though a case could be made that wondering is worse. But now they know he isn't likely to have known.

Anyway, it was a good psychological thriller, a fairly strong conclusion that made me wish the chapters in the other books (at least the ones I'd read) had been as good instead of reading like filler. I suppose one special issue that covered all the Bat family getting captured would've done the trick and left the regular books for the Bat family members to do their usual stories, then pick up with Death of the Family aftermath chapters with their March issues.

I was disappointed to not have all the Bat family show up for that meeting Bruce told Alfred about, but it was understandable. I'm looking forward to seeing how this plays out for Jason and Dick in their own books.

I also read World's Finest 9. An enjoyable read, nothing special. The cover reminded me how much I hate Power Girl's current costume.


  1. I have to admit that I loved the heck out of the recent Bat books. Snyder has a way with the macabre...I was both terrified and relieved at the conclusion, and what could possibly be under those lids.

    And the art was sensational.

    1. Yes, I loved the art. I got so wrapped up in the story, and my surprise at enjoying it so much, I forgot to mention the lovely, creepy art!
