Monday, December 11, 2006

Baa Baa Baa and JSA

Yup, I'm a sheep. I'm also now on ComicSpace as shellys. Yeah, original with my choice of screen names, as usual. And my userpic there is from a drawing I did back in the late-'60s or early-'70s that I more recently enhanced in Photoshop. I used to draw a lot better back then. I think I got rusty. So, request I friend you or leave your ComicSpace name here in the comments so I can friend you. I already made my requests to Kalinara and Ragnell. Of course, I'm not sure what I'm gonna do with the thing, but I can't resist the cool, new toy.

And to make this post worth reading, I read JSA 1 Saturday night, finally. Wow, what a wonderful first issue/reboot. Respect for the team's heritage coupled with exciting, new characters. Maxine Hunkel is dynamite and can be a lot of fun once she calms down. Her enthusiasm was nicely done, very realistic. There are a lot of things going on here, a number of plot threads to play out over the next half dozen or more issues. I was a bit put off by Wildcat being so anti-social. After all, he's mentored/taught both Dinah and Selina in the fine art of self-defense and has even trained Selina's friend Holly. And he's like an uncle to Dinah and he's remained a close friend of Selina's, one she can call on when she needs him. So for him to think, in a nice blue narrative box, "I train 'em and I move on" doesn't ring true. So, is this a slip in characterization or is there a reason Ted's got a bug up his butt? There are a number of things I won't comment on because I want to see how they play out. But so far, I'm really jazzed about this book. And the art is lovely.

1 comment:

  1. I put in a request to be your friend, so hopefully it will show up there!

    I loved JSA #1. The rich history of it is second to none, and those are the characters that I keep coming back to. The only problem is that one month wait between issues! :-)
