Thursday, December 17, 2015

This Week's Comics This Week

This week's comics, plus two holdovers from last week, thereabouts.

Which gives us a double dose of Harley!

Harley Quinn 23
Harley sets out to rescue Mason, who is in deadly danger in prison, but the resurrected Zena Bendemova has Harley in her sights. I don't know how Conner and Palmiotti keep coming up with these inane plots, but they excel at it. Their Harley is a Loony Toon, but she's got her heart in the right place. Mostly.

Harley's Little Black Book 1
This is a team-up book, I believe, so I'll probably get only the issues with guest-stars I like. Wonder Woman is Harley's first co-star. Things go badly awry when Harley tries to save Diana's life. Or, more accurately, hijinks ensue. Another fun book from Palmiotti and Conner.

Rocket Girl 7
This book has an interesting take on time travel, not to mention the whole Teen Police aspect of the future, aka the Past, or 2013, as it turns out, with the present being 1986. Got that? It gets confusing at times, but the characters are fun and Reeder's art is a delight. In this issue, Dayoung sets out to get back her jetpack, and as usual, things get complicated.

Ms. Marvel 2
We learn a bit more about the Hope Yards Development, namely that it's... but that would be telling. You need to be reading this comic. It's definitely my favorite Marvel title.

Descender 8
In which we learn stuff about Scrapper Andy, via flashbacks to how he met Tim-21. This is an intriguing story and I'm glad we're getting more background and depth to the universe.

Superzero 1
Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti are at it again and the result here is like nothing else I'm reading, from Aftershock, a new comics publisher. Dru, nicknamed Superzero by her classmates, is convinced she should be a superhero and will do anything to make it happen. In this first issue, she sets out to arrange for her parents to be mugged because superheros typically have trauma in their childhoods. Dru has a seemingly limitless imagination, as well as being an oddly endearing teen awkwardly navigating her way into adulthood. I'm eager to see where her journey takes her in this homage and send up of pop culture, with knowing winks at comics and the comics industry. An interesting exploration of someone trying to be the hero of her own story.


  1. Palmiotti and Connor are really a fabulous combination. Like Giffen and DeMatteis sometimes. Fun, anyway.

    I really do need to break down and actually READ my new comics this week!

    1. Did you get Superzero? It's got wonderful potential.

  2. I did not... but I might just have to go and try it out.

    1. You should, if you want to try something different. :)
