Sunday, April 08, 2018

Around Here Late is on Time

Seriously, I've long given up the whole idea of weekly reviews, or so it seems.

Anyway, the latest issues of Green Arrow and Nightwing did nothing for me, so I'm not reviewing them. Here's what I did like.

Nightwing 41
The conclusion of the Judge story was quite satisfying.

Black Magick 11
Now we're really into things. The suspense is really building, with the threat making itself known, going after Rowan's partner and his new baby. I love this book.

But I love Saga more! Saga 50 has a wonderful cover of Alana, Marko, and Hazel. The first scene depicts hot sex between Marko and Alana, so, a bit embarrassing to read on the subway,

Descender 27
The robots have the upper hand! Good science fiction.

Kill or be Killed 17
The suspense in this noir is palpable, and Dylan's narrative voice gives this book an extra hook. This far into the story, I still have no idea from what perspective he's narrating his story, let alone how crazy, if at all, he really is.

Black Lightning 5-6
The mini-series concludes in wonderful fashion and sets up a possible future story. There are many differences from the TV show, and that's okay. I'm just glad Black Lightning is back.

Flash 42-43
Setting up the upcoming Flash war story, I guess. Plus, Grodd. Average Flash story.

Super Sons 14
I continue to enjoy the friendship forged, in their quirky fashion, between Jon and Damian.

Action 999
The highlight of this issue is the awkward dinner at the Kent home with Lois' father.

Titans 21
Roy is in deep trouble and that's why I'm still reading. Because I love Roy and want to see where this is going.

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